Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote

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Bender's Game is a 2008 direct-to-DVD animated film based on the Futurama series.

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  3. Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote Generator
  4. Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote Symbol

Every fan of Futurama know that you could make an extensive list of great Bender quotes, but we’ve narrowed it down to 20 of the best. We chose not to include his iconic catchphrase, “Bite my shiny. The $20 Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote free chip bonus is Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote available to new customers only. The bonus money is Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote valid for slots and speciality games only. Wagering requirements are 50x. Maximum cashout out from $20 credit is limited to $50.


  • When will young people learn that playing 'Dungeons and Dragons' doesn't make you cool!
  • [after arriving in Cornwood] Where the hell are we? Hell?
  • [Climbing through chicken hatch] This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the chickens.
  • Have you seen Bender? He's gone crazy! [Holding a carton] Also, smell this milk.
  • All right, I may be weak and I may be small, but I don't see how I can possibly destroy that monster.
  • There’s so many killbots behind us, I can’t count them all. Three, I think.
  • That blade missed me by the skin of my pants. [A shot of Fry’s behind reveals his pants ripped.]


  • Hey that punk stole our hood ornament! Now no one will know we have the LX Package!
  • [after the ship starts again] There's gas in our ass!
  • I know not of this 'Bender'! I am Titanius Anglesmith, Fancy Man of Cornwood!
  • Finally, we made it out of that godforsaken cave! So what's the fastest way home, back through the cave?
  • Methinks we be boned.


  • Igner: [repeated line] We're owl exterminators.
  • Leegola: Onward brave cowards!
  • George Takei: [at the Space Demolition Derby] Way to kill the franchise, Bakula!
  • Dr. Perceptron: [Bender is in a group therapy session involving being hit in the head by hammers] Now Stop! Hammertime!
  • Roberto: [Repeated line] BOOKALEEMOOKALEE!
  • Rosie the Robot Maid: Everything must be clean. Very clean. That's why the dog had to die. He was a dirty dog. Dirty. Dirty. Also that boy Elroy. Dirty. Dirty.
  • The Swamp Hag: [repeated line] Get out of my swamp, you kids!
  • Titanius: Me thinks we be boned.
  • Roberto: You're not made of Tuesday!
  • Professor: There's just one small problem, and it's a big one.
  • Greyfarn: Fear not Titanius for we still have one hope, the Cave of Hopelessness!
  • Professor: Everybody out of the conference room! I'm calling a conference! [to all, in an adjacent room] Everybody get in here!
  • Roberto: I was built by a team of scientists, trying to create an insane robot...but it looks like they failed!
  • Scary Door Announcer: In the end, it was not guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God's creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
  • Morcs: [chanting] Eat the wizard, eat the slut, eat the robot's shiny butt!
  • Greyfarn: Alas, Frydo's weakness was no match for the dices power.
  • Hermaphrodite: Your friends soon face certain death, followed by a disrespectful marionette show performed with their corpses.


Dr. Perceptron: I was in your seat, I forgot that we had changed places
Mad Hatterbot: CHANGE PLACES?
Bender: Watcha doin', mini-meatbags? Underage gambling? Shame on you. Count me in! [puts money on desk]
Dwight: We're not gambling, we're playing 'Dungeons and Dragons!'
Morcs (Singing): Eat the wizard, Eat the Slut, Eat the Robot Shiny butt.
Gynecaladriel (Amy): Well at least we'll be remember by song.
Titanius (Bender): Wait a second, I have an idea. [seizes his comrades] I surrender! Here, eat my friends! Just give me one more second of sweet, sweet life!
Dragon Fry: So it comes down to this, a dungeon, and dragons!
Zoidberg: I didn't see it coming.
Titanius Anglesmith: [to Roberto as king of Wipecastle] Oh great king, your army is the last hope of Cornwood. Let us join forces, before the light of good is extinguished forever!
Roberto: You calling me crazy!? Just coz I got a hotel in my foot don't make me a BOOGALEE-MOOGALEE-MOOGALEE!!
Titanius: Pardon?
Roberto: [draws sword] Stop laughing at me, flyin' avocado! [shrieking while stabbing]
Titanius: [after talking with king of wipe castle] Okay, since I'm the only robot here who isn't [makes crazy noises with his finger on his mouth], I declare myself leader of the royal army!
Guard 1: What royal army might that be?
Titanius: Huh?
Guard 2: When the king went insane, he declared war on scallops, so he tied the army to a boat and sent them out to sea. They were never seen again!
Guard 1: Scallops musta got em.
Fry: Hey Professor can I ask you something about Bender?
Professor: Of course Fry, show me where on this anatomically correct doll where he touched you.
[Fry and Leela end up on a fantasy planet and Leela comes out as a centaur ]
Leegola [Leela]: Oh, Lord, I'm half-horse and half-naked.
Leegola: What else can we slay? Is that a Hobbit over there?
Titanius [Bender]: No, that's a hobo and a rabbit, but they're making a hobbit.
Frydo [Fry]: So this land is real?
Greyfarn [Professor]: Oh, dreadfully real. If you die here you'll really be dead. But instead of science we believe in crazy hocus pocus. It's sort of like Kansas.
Leegola: God help us.
[As the professor recognizes Mom's sons]
Professor: Walt, the leader among imbeciles!
Walt: Hey, they resent that!
Professor: Larry, the sniveling middle child.
Larry: [nervously] Sorry. Thank you.
Professor: And you, Igner. The evil I can tolerate. But the stupidity.
Igner: We're owl exterminators.
Professor: Good God! Just knowing we're in the same genus makes me embarrassed to call myself homo! [children laugh]
[Greyfarn (Professor Farnsworth) and Ignus (Igner) are dueling with lightsabers]
Ignus: Mommy never told you about my father.
Greyfarn: She said he was a foul He-demon.
Ignus: Exactly. You are my father.
Greyfarn: No. No, that's impossible.
Ignus: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Greyfarn: No, no!
Ignus: Yah-hah. I heard Mommy say so.
Dr. Perceptron: I will now delicately jerk out your imagination, severing fantasy's grip on your nerd-circuit.
[the dark matter resonance appears and Bender begins to fade into nothingness]
Bender: [as he disappears] Coooooornwooooooooooooood!
Dr. Perceptron: Illogical. Illogical. Computational overload.
Nurse Ratchet: But doctor, I love you.
[Dr. Perceptron smashes his own head]
Computer Voice: (alarm sound) Warning. Out of dark matter fuel.
Leela: That's not a warning! A warning's supposed come before something bad happens.
Computer Voice: (alarm sound) Warning. Engines will shut down in one second.
Leela: That's more like it.
Professor: Who did this? Answer now or be punished.
Leela: Fine, I admit it. It was me.
Professor: You will be punished!
Zoidberg: Amy, cancel my appointments.
Amy: [on intercom] Stop calling me!
Hermes: As a result of these losses, we will no longer be providing complimentary porno mags in the lobby.
Scruffy: Durnit.
Walt: How was the interview, mother?
Mom: It made me want to puke my face off!

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:
Futurama bender blackjack quote generator
  • Bender's Game quotes at the Internet Movie Database
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=Futurama:_Bender%27s_Game&oldid=2886350'

Bender's Big Score is a 2007 straight-to-DVD animated film based on the Futurama series.Directed by Dwayne-Carey Hill. Written by Ken Keeler, based on a story by Keeler and David X. Cohen.


  • I support and oppose many things, but not strongly enough to pick up a pen.
  • Sweet photons. I don't know if you're waves or particles, but you go down smooth!
  • Here's your Gutenberg Bible, masters, plus the Colonel's Secret Recipe: Chicken, Grease, Salt!
  • 001100010010011110100001101101110011
  • Must obey orders. Ohhhhh. Mustn't kill friend!! Ohhhhhh! Badly want to urinate!!!!!
  • [monotone] Entering auto destruct sequence. [normal] Awww crap, I hate auto destruct sequence! [monotone] Explosion in 7, 6,-- [Fry's duplicate kicks Bender's duplicate who stumbles back into a cryotube, Fry turns the control to one million years]
  • [monotone] 5-- [normal] Hey, I'm supposed to be the one saying cool things! [Gets frozen]
  • Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender! [blows up Fry's apartment]
  • While I was hacking off the Professor's hand with an extremely dull saw, I had time to think. Who could use a doomsday device more, the scammers, or me, Bender? After several minutes of steady sawing, I had the answer. Me, Bender!
  • Hey ! I don't tell you how to tell me what to do, so don't tell me how to do what you tell me to do.
  • [monotone]--4, 3, 2, [normal voice] 1, BOOM! [Nothing happens. Bender laughs] Woah! [he explodes, killing Nudar and Lars]
  • Well, we're boned!


  • [sarcastically] Oh, hooray. It's handsome Lars and his fabulous jars.
  • But she needs what'll make her happy, not what'll make me happy.


  • Without my body I'm a nobody.
  • Kiss my front butt!


  • [Considering what to wear on her date with Lars] Ooh, I think I'll wear that slutty dress I've been saving for Easter!


  • Sir, you're just a little enraged because you're dying. Up and away!
  • Wait for me, Leela! I'll be there in a thousand years!

Professor Farnsworth[edit]

  • I'm sciencing as fast as I can!
  • I can wire anything directly into anything - I'm The Professor!
  • In his (Hermes') absence I am calling a mandatory company meeting. To the mandatorium!

Futurama Bender Blackjack Quotes

Futurama bender blackjack quote creator


  • Everyone out of the universe! Quick!
  • There, I saved the space-time continuum and 40% of your rectum.

Dr. Zoidberg[edit]

  • I'm a surgeon; when I see two body parts I sew them together and see what happens!


  • Barbados Slim: You haven't seen the last of Barbados Slim. Now goodbye forever.
  • Zapp Brannigan: We fight this battle not for ourselves, but for our children, and our children's children, which is why I'm forming a children's brigade.
  • Al Gore: [in the year 2012] That hundred dollars could have gotten me...one gallon of gas. [ominous music]
  • Al Gore: Finally! I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows.


Professor Farnsworth: Yes? I see… [hangs up phone] Good news, everyone! Those asinine morons who canceled us were themselves fired for incompetence. [The crew cheers] And not just fired, but beaten up, too…and pretty badly. [The crew cheers doubtfully] In fact, most of them died from their injuries. [The crew remains silent. Bender laughs] And then they were ground up into a fine pink powder.
Fry: Why?
Professor Farnsworth: Oh, it's got a million and one uses. [Pours some down his pants] Ah, that soothes the fire.
Hermes: What's the matter, robot? You got a rod up your spine?
Bender: Yes, I do. That's how I'm built.
[Fry has just reappeared in the 31st Century, after Bender apparently killed him in 2012.]
Bender: Fry! You're not dead! Unless...
[Bender punches Fry in the stomach.]
Bender: No, he's not a zombie. But I don't want people to think I'm incompetent, so I'd better kill you just to be sure.
[Bender pulls out a croquet mallet, and prepares to swing it at Fry. The Professor pulls it out of his hands.]
Professor Farnsworth: Bender! Stop killing for a minute!
[Nudar is threatening Scruffy with a gun.]
Nudar: [to Bender] You! Read the code or I'll shoot this guy!
Bender: Who the hell is he?
Scruffy: I'm Scruffy, the janitor.
Bender: Hang on, Scruffy!
Leela: What is the secret of time travel doing on Fry's ass?
Fry: It was bound to be somewhere.
Nibbler: Alas, our Kitten-class attack ships were no match for their mighty chairs. The universe is doomed, doomed!
Fry: Can I pull up my pants now?
Nibbler: Doomed!
[Bender shows up with the incomplete Mona Lisa from the past.]
Bender: Sorry, it's not quite finished.
Schlump: Da Vinci give you any trouble?
Bender: Let's just say he might not make it to The Last Supper.
Professor Farnsworth: Time travel is impossible!
Fry: But Professor, you time traveled yourself remember? When we went back to Roswell?
Professor Farnsworth: That proves nothing! And furthermore, you'd think I could remember a thing like that; plus, who are you anyway?
[Hermes has discovered that his head was attached backwards.]
Hermes: You incompetent crab!
Dr. Zoidberg: I thought you were happy, your tail was wagging.
Amy: Ahh, don't blame yourself, Bender.
Bender: I don't blame myself, I blame all of you!
Amy: Us? How can you possibly blame us!?
Bender: It ain't easy, it just proves how great I am.
Bender: [shivering] It's so cold, my processor is running at peak efficiency.
Leela: What are you, a whining machine?
Fry: I don't get it. How can you say Lars is more mature than me?
Leela: Well, for one thing his checkbook doesn't have The Hulk on it.
Leela: I can't command this many ships.
Hermes: Perhaps I can help. Professor, can you wire my head directly into the battlegrid?
Professor Farnsworth: I can wire anything directly into anything. I'm the Professor!
Hermes: Then prepare to see a bureaucrat's brain in action!

Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote Creator

Fry: It's foolproof! They can't sign the marriage license if I give them a pen with NO INK!
Bender: [sarcastic] Yeah, 'cause once they try to sign the license, all hell'll break loose. [Bender turns away and mutters] Oy vey.
[The scammers are threatening the planet express crew with Professor Farnsworth's Sphero-Boom]
Nudar: So what'll it be, unconditional surrender -
Leela: Never!
Nudar: - Or total destruction?
Leela: Also never!
Nudar: You have thirty seconds - make up your minds!
Leela: NEVER!
[Leela is shouting orders during the battle to reclaim Earth]
Leela: Unit 10 - Target H, 16K - niner, niner! Go left - I mean right!
Sal: Whoas!
Leela: 55U, 8R, 2P!
Professor Farnsworth: [Speaking to Hattie McDoogal] BINGO!

Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote Generator

[Nibbler attempts to stop the scammers from using the time code.]
Nibbler: Stop, you fool!
Leela: Nibbler, you can talk?!
Nibbler: I can do more than talk; I can pontificate!
Lars: Hello, everyone who isn't Leela! And a special hello to everyone else!
Hermes: Shut your lockers and get to class!
Fry: Can you save Hermes 'Doctor Good and Sexy?'
Dr. Cahill: I told you my name is Doctor Cahill.
Hermes: Figures I had to get mingled while the blonde bimbo is on duty.
Dr. Cahill: I am a doctor, sir. The mere fact that I am blonde and have a breathy voice, full, sensual lips, and a steaming hot body doesn't make me a bimbo.
Dr. Zoidberg: Tell me about it.
Hermes: I think we've all learned a thing or two about sexual stereotypes while my head's slowly dying because I'm not in a jar yet, you bimbo!
Dr. Cahill: Oh. Right. Ditzy Witzy!
[Professor Farnsworth is considering selling some of his doomsday devices to Hedonismbot]
Professor Farnsworth: Ooh, be careful!
Hedonismbot: I shan't touch them 'till I've had Djambi lock the absinthe and ether away. Ooh, what does this one do? [Hedonismbot grabs one of the doomsday devices]
Professor Farnsworth: Uh, that one kills everything everywhere.
Hedonismbot: Delightful! [Hedonismbot accidentally knocks the device from the shelf.] And this one?
Professor Farnsworth: Sir, the Sphero-Boom is not for sale, it's my sentimental favorite.
Hedonismbot: No need to explain, I too have known unconventional love.
Marine Biologist: Leelu is a rare toothed female narwhal who got disoriented and washed up in Atlantic City, as we all do from time to time...
[Fry is recounting how he survived his trip to the past.]
Fry: Oh, it's an astonishing tale of incredibleness. It all began went I went back in time.
Professor Farnsworth: Duh!
[Nudar is ordering Bender to kill Fry]
Nudar: You know what to do.
Bender: You want me to concludify him, like some sort of dispatcherator?
Nudar: Yes, and don't forget to terminate him.

Futurama Bender Blackjack Quote Symbol

[Nudar is telling Bender how to steal the Sphero-Boom from the professor.]
Nudar: You'll need jeweller's tools and foot cup silencers.
Bender: Hey, I don't tell you how to tell me what to do, so don't tell me how to do what you tell me to do!
Nudar: Hey, that's perfect! We sit back and let Dumb-Dumb here do the stealing!
Bender: Dumb-Dumb away!
Professor Farnsworth: If Hermes were here, he’d fire you all!
Hermes’ head: I am here!
Professor Farnsworth: Quiet you. In his absence, I’m calling a mandatory company security seminar. To the mandatorium!
Nudar: Faster, faster!
Professor Farnsworth: I’m sciencing as fast as I can
Lars: I'm not afraid of you or your expensive gun! Go ahead and shoot!
Nudar: [pointing his gun at Leela] Oh, yeah? Then what if I kill the woman you love?
Leela: Don't you understand, numb-neck? He doesn't love me!
Lars: [crying] I've... always loved you. Don't hurt her. I'll give you the code.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:
  • Bender's Big Score quotes at the Internet Movie Database
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=Futurama:_Bender%27s_Big_Score&oldid=2886348'